Shawn T



YOU WANTED THE BEST…YOU GOT THE BEST…THE HOTTEST DJ IN DES MOINES…..was busy so you got me instead!!! Buckle up here we go…… 

I was born in the middle of the cornfields of Atlantic, Iowa but was immediately whisked away to Des Moines because the nurses weren’t getting any work done because they were spending all their time with me……and so it began!!! 
1. What made you get into radio?- When I was little I had the unique opportunity to meet the infamous legend DJ Wolfman Jack and I was instantly in awe of him and his persona and energy and I was hooked! From there my parents befriended the original DJ’s on KJJY and I again was in awe of their jobs as DJ’s and the “fame” that came with it and I instantly knew that was the job for me! Throughout the years I honed my love for music in general which turned into a club dj job and then that morphed into my first radio job doing weekends on KJJY for 2 years then went on to another radio station doing rock and then eventually found my home here on KGGO and Nash ICON!

2.Who would play you in a movie about your life?- If I had a choice I would say Matthew McConaughey….simply because I like how he can morph into any role, is outgoing, and I think he could pull it off with flying colors….but he would have to put on some weight because I definately don’t look like him hahaha!! 

3. Before you were old enough to know better, what did you want to be?- I always wanted to be a musician/rockstar but beings I never learned how to play an insturment and didn’t have the pipes to be a singer I did the next best thing to fuel my love for music….I became a DJ. 

4. What could you do if asked to perform a stupid human trick?- I can turn my feet almost 180 degrees to where they almost point backwards! 

5. If you had one super power what would it be?- I would want to be able to read peoples minds….then maybe I could figure out alot of things that Ive always wanted to know!! 

6. Pirates or Ninjas?- Pirates all the way….those guys partied their asses off and had a blast doing it and always had chicks around…..who ever heard of Ninjas with chicks…..they just hung out in the dark in their pajamas with a bunch of dudes!! 

7. What is the #1 song on your Ipod?- Mine is always on shuffle so there is no #1…just depends on my mood and I like alot of different types of music so its like a surprize….could be KISS, Beach Boys, Volbeat, Beastie Boys…..who knows!! 

8. If you could witness any event past, present or future what would it be?- This is a tough one because there is a TON of things I would loved to have seen…US ’83 Festival, Moscow Peace Festival, Elvis Presley, The Doors….the list goes on and on….impossible to pick just one!! 

9. If you could learn to do anything what would it be?- This is easy…I would love to play the guitar to be able to get on stage and perform….that would be incredible!!! 

10. Beach house or Mountain Lodge?- Easy….Beach House….it would drive me nuts being in the middle of the woods out of touch with reality…..there is waaaaay more fun to be had with a beach house!!!